If you’re going to spend money on PPC advertising you really need to make sure that your website is working for you:
The site I decided to check obviously won’t deliver anything for me:
What a waste of advertising spend!
And of course this isn’t an isolated incident – if you spend enough time looking for products and services online you will find hundreds of these scenarios!
I’ve come across a few of these before. I was doing some research on B&Bs in galway and what do I find … a load of dead links. I ended up sending on emails never received a response to say thanks though. Guess being the competition people suddenly get paranoid 😀
I like to let people know about typo’s and things like that though. I mean we can all get along together ( At least I hope we can )
lol! cool. unfortunately I couldn’t show the boss as Galvan appear to have busted their daily limit 😉