This blog started as a minor experiment in late 2003.
I’ve always been a fairly avid reader and wrote frequently throughout my time at university in both Spain and Ireland.
Like so many things, if you do not write often enough you lose the ability to do so in a coherent manner. So I started this blog.
That was then. This is now.
Now you’ll find articles covering matters related to the IT industry, or more precisely, the area that I work in.
Technical articles related to spam filtering, domain registration, online marketing. Or random musings on whatever takes my fancy. Of late there’s been a lot more of that than anything else. I still write on a few other sites where the content might be more “professional”.
This site is running on a Dell or HP server (it gets moved around!)
The server is running Apache 2, php5PHP 7.*, Perl and MySQL 5.
The blogging software is WordPress
It is probably best viewed in a browser, but I’d recommend that you use Firefox or Chrome.
The server is hosted by Blacknight in Ireland, the hosting and domain registration company I setup several years ago.
Spam comments will not be tolerated.
Abusive comments will be edited or deleted.
Please refrain from using expletives in your comments – if you cannot express yourself without expletives then please keep your thoughts to yourself.
If I feel that links posted in comments are not relevant or are pure self-promotion I will remove them.
You can read the full comment policy if you like
You may quote me, link to me, pingback etc., but stealing the content verbatim without my permission is not allowed ie. if you want to abuse my content on your splog network don’t. I will report you to your host and / or Google.
I may, at my discretion, insert affiliate links to products / services in blog entries. No one is forcing you to click on them.
There are usually Google Adsense ads sprinkled around the place. Nobody is forcing you to click on them and I won’t be removing them, so don’t ask.
If you have a serious advertising proposition please let me know.
If the product or service involves spamming or the promotion of any illegal activity don’t bother contacting me. I’ll either ridicule you in public or simply report you to the relevant authorities.
I am more than happy to review books, gadgets, DVDs, blurays, wine etc., I will not, however, give a preferable review to any product simply because I have been sent a free sample.
The Layout
I tend to change the template from time to time, as I like to experiment. At present the header image in use is of temple in Segesta, Sicily. It’s one of the more magical places in Europe and I thought it was a lot more relevant and personal than any image that ships with a stock template, so I slightly rejigged a stock photo James worked his magic on it.
There is a mobile version of the site that will work well on most “smart” phones .. and mobile devices such as tablets