Pre-ordering Personal IE Domains

Pretty much everyone will be accepting pre-orders for personal IE domains in advance of the October 31st “go live”

I just hope that people realise what a “landrush” type situation really involves. I’d suspect that quite a few of them don’t.

In a landrush like this not everyone can be made happy. It’s simply not possible.

If, like me, you have an uncommon firstname or surname (I have both!) then you should be fine, but if you have a more common combination you may run into issues.

All you have to do is pickup your local telephone directory to get an idea.

I’ve posted a bit about how the queues can be expected to work on our company blog.

I’d also have to remind people that if you are going to try to get that you choose an Irish provider with servers in Ireland.
This server is only a couple of milliseconds from INEX. Can the same be said for some of the other “irish” providers? (that small “i” is intentional!)
Anyone who recalls the “fun” of the .eu landrush and sunrises will recall that every millisecond made a difference.
It doesn’t matter a damn if you market your business on bargain basement domains using bargain basement servers on the other side of the globe – when it comes down to the crunch people will want to get their IE domains from someone who has a fast, low latency connection into the registry.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Ah, but the non-Irish providers can issue said API requests 130ms earlier and arrive at the same time. 😉

  2. ROFL
    Ok, but wouldn’t it be simpler to use a real Irish provider instead of one of those ones using dodgy servers on the other side of the globe?

  3. “dodgy” servers on the other side of the globe?
    I think you should take a look at your current product line before you go knocking other providers Michele.
    I see Blacknight are offering:
    Pentium D915
    512 MB RAM
    2 x 80 Gb HDD
    500GB Transfer
    RAID 1
    For €150 a month along with a with a €150 set up fee
    However, if I go to Texas and look at SoftLayer (where I have two servers btw)
    I’m currently getting
    AMD Opteron 170 2Ghz
    1Gb Ram
    2x 250 Gd HDD
    2TB Transfer
    IPMI Card
    And all for around €180 with no setup fee. The four hour turn around time for new servers is quite nice too.

  4. Conor
    What we currently offer in terms of dedicated servers is irrelevant. I am referring specifically to the fact that we have our own network with low pings to the IEDR.

  5. Normally I would of let it go but since you went and said dodgy I felt I had to pick you up on that point.
    And can you say you honestly expect a land rush situation in anyway similar to the .eu one (which all turned out to be a giant mess in the end anyway) where one millisecond could make a difference?
    What I see is an expensive domain and a manual verification system, so I can’t see it taking off like a rocket (or scaling for that matter).

  6. Conor
    Fair enough 🙂
    I’ve no idea how things are going to pan out, but for some of the more common names I can see there being issues of milliseconds, as most of us are now connecting to the IEDR via their API ie. once we process the order the domain is no longer available it would be marked as “application pending”.
    Don’t forget the sunrise validations for .eu were very manual and took months

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