While I doubt this is Oracle’s normal policy, they really do need to teach their staff how to market properly.
Using email to help promote sales is a good idea, but the way that this is being done is incredibly bad and damages email marketing in general.
So far today I have received 5 separate copies of an Oracle “offer” on my work domain. I also received multiple emails a couple of weeks ago in my personal email.
It is incredibly annoying.
Because I never signed up for ANY of these emails and now I’m being asked to unsubscribe, which in some cases is going to be nigh on impossible as the emails in question do not send – they are only setup to receive only.
So how can I get off Oracle’s spam list?
I can’t reply to the emails, as they seem to be coming from some automated system.
And judging by the email addresses that are being targetted it’s pretty obvious that the email addresses were scraped off websites.

Companies that do this need to be named and shamed. Not only is it annoying,but its also one of the more underhand “evil” marketing ploys. We did a story on facebook like flash games and questionable adverts,offers and policies. We then get someone agreeing with us in the comments section,linking to another spammy gaming company. Followed it up and got a bit of an apology and an offer of gaming money which i didn’t take. Posting up who is spamming and following it up is a pretty good feeling. More people on the net should do it 🙂