I’ve never been happy with the way that Enterprise Ireland’s ebusiness mailing list is managed.
It’s moderated.
It’s not in realtime
The “rules” aren’t applied in a uniform or sane manner
People can post anonymously
Earlier this week I decided to unsubscribe myself from the Enterprise Ireland ebusiness list.
I doubt if I’ll be going back
A combination of factors (as mentioned above), but what really did it for me was that not only do they moderate the list but they allow people to impersonate others.
Someone actually posted to the list as “Mickey Mouse” and it was let through as valid.
Enough already.
I don’t see why my tax euro should be funding this kind of rubbish when there are much better forums out there.
I felt some of the discussions recently on spam were pretty ill-informed… are there any other lists (for example the Open list) that you would recommend?
Sorry – Yes. I meant to include links to other lists.
Webnet.ie/open – the OPEN list is a very good alternative (disclosure the domain is owned by me, but I don’t host the list or manage it)
IrishWebmasterforum.com – good general forum – and there are many others
I just feel that the heavy handed management of the EI list is:
– unrealistic
– hinders communication
In my opinion the list has become an SEO talking shop. Each “new” conversation seems to be the same ones repeated over and over again – “how go I get better google rankings”, “how do I know what keywords to use”. It would be good if the moderator would refer these people to threads where the questions have already been asked.
There are a number of good, knowledgeable people on the list who provide good independent advice. But recently they have been drowned out by self-serving ego-maniacs who tend to provide their uninformed opinion without any facts to back it up. Indeed some of the opinions expressed are ignorant of the legal obligations companies have under certain acts in this country. If nothing else at least the list lets me know what companies/individuals to avoid in the future.
I am sorry that you have left the list Michele. I always found your contributions to be the most valuable. Even though in some of the topics you would have a vested interested, you let the reader decide what was best for them.
I shall continue to lurk on the list with the occassional contribution where I feel it is of benefit. But in the main a valuable tool for start-up companies has been badly damaged by the way it is managed and handled.
Thanks for your kind words.