Mark Carey is one of the more active MovableType plugin developers. Some of his plugin have to be simply categorised as “cool”. There’s no other word that sums them up aptly, though I’m sure you could find plenty if you tried.
His latest plugin release is a stroke of genius – WordPress Interface for Movable Type
It does pretty much what it says “on the tin” and replaces the MovableType “classic” interface with one that not only looks and feels like WordPress, but also emulates a lot of the behaviour (from a UI perspective).
You can give it a whirl here – username: demo pass: demo
Screenshots and more details on his original post
He may have done it almost as a joke, but it also shows how incredibly flexible Movable Type can be.
Evil thought – you could replace someone’s WP install with this and they probably wouldn’t even notice!
Good idea for a plugin. I’d notice someone replacing my WordPress though. 🙂
We might have to put that theory to the test 🙂
See, this is my problem with Moveable Type. I got an email with your reply comment but it’s not listed here yet. :S
That’s my config not MT.
When this site got on the main page of Digg it didn’t “fall over” – the same cannot be said for most WP powered blogs ….