Another Drone Flight Along the Barrow

Thumbnail from video shot near Milford Co Carlow

This evening I shot a few short videos with the drone flying near Milford. I’d been hoping to fly from that area earlier during the week so I was happy to be able to get there this evening.

You can see the waterways as well as the old Milford mill in the background, which is a rather interesting structure. The building dates back to around 1790 and while its usage has changed over the year it is still apparently generating electricity that is sold back to the national grid!

So about the video ..

I’m still being quite conservative with the geofence settings, so I’m only letting it fly about 100 metres away from me at any time. In terms of altitude it’s now going up to around the 100 metre mark, which is ample for what I’m doing at the moment. The audio track with the video isn’t exactly stellar, but I can’t complain, as it’s one of the free tracks that you can add to your videos via the YouTube creator tools.

I also ran into a rather annoying and really silly issue. I forgot to check how much space I had left on the camera’s memory card. So, I flew the drone up to about 100 metres, started recording and then got a very “helpful” error message from the DJI Go app to tell me that I had no space left! Anyway .. I’d already imported all the videos and photos up to last night onto my laptop, so I simply deleted all the videos via the app. Still that was a lesson – check that you have enough capacity on your device if you’re recording high definition video.

Here’s the same video without any audio added:

If the weather holds tomorrow I’ll try to get another couple of flights in, though it’ll be “radio silence” after that for a couple of weeks, as I’ll be out of the country.

You can see the video and photos I shot earlier here.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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