The old adage “you pay for what you get” is one often cited in the business world and in particular in that of IT and hosting.
I would be of the opinion that some providers are incompetent and that they are duping the public with their falsely deflated pricing (no that wasn’t a typo). They may like to try to play the “we can do this cos we’re real big” card, but in many instance the opposite is the truth.
The reason why their pricing is so low is because they don’t have any staff, or what staff they have is totally incompetent. They have no infrastructure, yet they love to refer to “their data center (sic)” and so it continues…
Of course this is all part of the free market. You can do what you want (to a point) and nobody is forcing you to buy from anybody (except when there is a monopoly)
At the other end of the scale you have the overpriced “professionals”.
They like to play the game also, but the rules are very different.
The large ISP will use their corporate weight to demand whatever pricing they wish, while the “wannabe” in the wings will try to confuse matters by pretending to be the best and the most respectable (flaunting your respectability is always a strange tactic – surely it should just “be”)
So we have two opposing views in the market
At the bottom of the scale you have the “bargain hosting & domains r us” – aka – the 16 year old with a laptop in his bedroom, while at the other end you have the “corporate quality”
There is nothing wrong with positioning yourself at either point of the spectrum, but you should be consistent in your approach.
Wouldn’t you agree?
If you are charging more than a lot of your competitors you should be able to qualify that in terms of the superior service etc.,
So why is it that some of these providers close their tech support desks at 5pm and give ALL their techies lunch between 1 and 2???
It’s 2005 for God’s sake!!
Wake up!!!!
And at that note…… bk soho now only €2.92! rant rant – rofl 🙂
And at that note…… bk soho now only €2.92! rant rant – rofl 🙂