The codename for dapper +1 has been announced – The Edgy Eft
I’d love to know where they find some of these names 🙂
An Eft is a youthful newt, going through its first exploration of the rocky territory just outside the stream.
Some of the planned additions sound very interesting:
So dream a little about Xen for virtualisation, Xgl/AIGLX and other wonderful wobbly window bits, the goodness of Network Manager, a first flirt with multiarch support for true mixed 32-bit and 64-bit computing on AMD64, the interesting possibilities of the SMART package manager…
and other pieces of infrastructure which have appeared tantalisingly on the horizon.
Cool…I hear that its out in July.
Currently have the CVS version of Dapper on my comp….one or two bugs but still running smoothly.
I’ve dapper on both my laptop and a desktop. It works nicely most of the time 🙂