Surprise The Client – Marketing With Impact

I’m subscribed to a lot of mailing lists, bulletin boards, RSS feeds etc.,

As a result I get a lot of email everyday.

For an email to have impact it has to be special in some way.

Warner Brothers did that today.

I got an email earlier today with the subject line: “A Birthday Gift For You!”. It’s my birthday on Sunday, so they got that right. However the email itself wasn’t yet another “happy birthday $user” it was actually a special offer for the entire month of my birthday. I can get 25% off any purchase throughout the month of February if I use the special coupon code!

Simple? Very.
Effective? Hell yes! I told several people about it already today.

Cost to Warner? Practically zero.
Benefit to Warner? Potentially huge.

Now why don’t other marketers use their imagination like this?

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Why is it creepy?
    They asked me for my date of birth, but I wasn’t obliged to give them the data.. They made good use of the information and I will probably order a few dvds from them this month as a result

  2. They asked me for my date of birth, but I wasn’t obliged to give them the data.
    Ah, fair enough if you gave it to them directly.
    I was under the impression that they got the information elsewhere.
    I blame the fact that it’s Monday morning. In the rush to get to work I put my tinfoil hat on back to front.

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