Over the last few weeks I’ve mentioned Movable Type 4 several times.
Byrne and his team made a release candidate available last night and the change log is simply huge!
I’ll be wiping my beta install and replacing it with RC1 later today / this evening … Hopefully they’ll have ironed out those bugs that were driving me mad 🙂
Do people use this mainly for blogs or is it good as a site CMS?
It’s used for both and is very popular with corporates
I was vaguely considering going over to it, actually. I may wait for the proper release though.
I’ve used Blogger and Serendipity and I see you use WordPress for this blog. What do you think of MT yourself?
The only reason this blog uses wordpress is because of that licensing mess a couple of years ago.
I use MT on a couple of blogs, including the Blacknight one (http://blog.blacknight.ie) and it rocks!
So the new MT4 appears to have gone back to an open source platform — would that make it your recommended blog engine then?
I’m not sure how the licensing will work out, but there should be two versions available – one of which will be open source
At present the personal license is free
There are still some issues to be addressed with various aspects of the software, but once they are I will be recommending it
Hmm — so if I were to use it for my own blog there shouldn’t be any licensing/fee implications? Presume that’s count as a personal licence — must go check.