While it can be a bit daunting to keep up with some blogs’ comments due to the sheer volume that isn’t an issue I normally have to deal with.. though it wouldn’t be such a bad problem to have 🙂
However, as anyone who runs a blog will know, there are a lot of people out there who like to abuse comments to promote themselves or their clients’ products. The more obvious ones are easy to categorise as spammers and automated tools like Akismet or Bad Behavior or BlockScript can block a lot of that junk quickly and easily.
But that isn’t the only type of spam, and it’s also not the only type of abusive behaviour that goes on.
With that in mind I recently published a comment policy for this site. It’s based on the one that the company has been using for the last couple of years, but with a couple of tweaks.
Am I missing anything obvious?
The “no real name” one seems a bit harsh.
Always room for pseudonyms, as long as people keep it civil, imho.
I go by forbairt which is my username on a lot of boards I go by james it depends.
I don’t go by Cheap Fridge Freezers 😀 or similar names and so those I’d consider to be complete spam / link building.
Link building is a major factor behind commenting on blogs I mean if link building had no effect my comments would reduce to zero and my ego would no longer be hurt by the constant suggestions I need viagra to power my manhood 😀
I don’t have a policy on my blog at the moment I’ve a common sense type thing if you seemy spammy you get flagged as such and no doubt akismet will pick up on that in your next post and you’ll start trying to post your URL as google.com in an attempt to gain back some credibility as a spamm.. er commenter
For a start, I always use my real name when commenting.
That apart, I have a fairly loose system back at my gaff. Anything that gets past Aksimet and SpamFree is generally OK, though I do get the odd chancer trying to promote something. My policy is to wade in if the blood starts flowing, but apart from that…….
Kevin – so how would you word it?
Just delete the “real name” requirement, I guess.
Forbairt is my handle on all forums and I vary between James / James Larkin / Forbairt when I’m posting a blog comment. If someone posts as I said above an SEO type link term thingy then I’d reject it. That said Forbairt is also my website so then it gets confusing.
I’ve removed the “real name” requirement, as I don’t have an issue with James posting as “forbairt”, however I would have an issue with someone posting using a “promotional” or offensive name, but I think the rest of the policy kind of covers that ..