One of the positive aspects of being stuck at home is that you find yourself doing things you normally wouldn’t.
For me that’s meant a few things.
I’ve been cooking a lot more than I would normally so I’ve been able to experiment with recipes I’d normally have avoided. So I’ve had a reasonable degree of success stuffing courgettes for example. Of course I’ve also had a few disasters, but let’s not talk about them..
It’s also given me a chance to go through boxes of old paperwork. That of course opens up a can of worms. When you come across some bits of paper you wonder why on earth you kept them and they immediately get tossed into the shredders. Others, however, trigger memories. Some of them are simple, while others are much more complex.
There’s probably a couple of blog posts I could write about some of the old photos I found while going through some of the boxes.
I’ve also realised, with a degree of regret, that not only did I not take as many photos when I was younger as I should but that I also seem to have misplaced quite a few of them.
I’ve love to say that I’ve been doing a load of gardening, but with garden centres closed it’s been pretty hard to get supplies. For now I’m happy to have been able to find a replacement rosemary plant for my herb bed.
Inside the house I’m growing a few herbs as well as some lettuce and baby tomatoes all thanks to Click and Grow. I’ll know how well it all worked in a couple of more weeks, but so far the lettuce is looking well.
I’ve also been working on tidying up a few of my online properties. So, which had pretty much languished for well over a decade is now a simple little blog where I’m posting news about freebies.
Buy Irish Food is a new project which I’m trying to work on when I get a chance.
I’ve also been trying to consolidate sites from multiple servers and systems. Fine in theory, but then you hit a speed bump, like a script that uses some weird PHP or Perl module, but where the errors it spits out are super vague. So I managed to get one site back working for the first time in years, but as soon as I tried to move it to a new server it just threw a hopelessly vague error. I’ll get it working eventually. I hope.
I also need to cull domains from my portfolio. I look at some of the domains I’ve registered over the years and I really do wonder what on earth I was thinking.
But now I better get back to working out how I’m going to cook today’s roast.. so many options ..