Verisign Flexs Its Muscles

Over a year has passed since I posted about Verisign’s unique position in relation to .com and .net
Yesterday they announced the first price increases.

VeriSign announced that as of Oct. 15, 2007, the registry fee for .com domain names will increase from $6.00 to $6.42 and that the registry fee for .net domain names will increase, from $3.50 to $3.85. This will be the first registry fee increase for .com and .net since the fee structure was put in place by ICANN in 1999.

The increases are not huge, but it should be interesting to see what some of the budget registrars do.
At present several of them are selling .com to their resellers with incredibly tight margins. While other companies, such as eNom and Tucows seem to be able to offer high levels of service as their USP, the budget registrars seem to have been gaining market share on price alone.
The last quarter of 2007 should see some interesting changes

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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