Twitter’s UI Makes Me Cry

Several months ago I wrote about Twitter.

I’ve since started using Jaiku and I really like it.

Yes there are server issues from time to time, but the user interface is quite intuitive and you can actually follow a conversation.

Twitter really sucks.

The user interface is simple. Simply awful!

There’s an API. Wow!

While twitter could be useful it’s lack of basic functionality, such as threading, renders it totally useless unless you’ve only got a limited number of contacts.

With Jaiku if someone posts something you can reply to their message and it displays in a logical manner ie. linked to the original message. If someone else replies you get a thread. You don’t need to make much of an effort to follow the conversation.

Twitter on the other hand doesn’t seem to have any concept of “conversation”. It’s just lots of people yelling at each other. Sometimes their yells might make some kind of sense, but for the most part they’re completely disjointed.

There isn’t as much boring junk on it as previously, but it’s still completely overrated.

Jaiku is a lot saner!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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