I joined Facebook a few weeks ago to see what all the fuss was about.
I can see why people might like it, but there are a lot of things about it that I find incredibly annoying.
One of the things that drives me around the bend is all the stupid emails it sends me, but that’s my own fault for joining!
The other thing that drives me mad is the profiles. They’re not very helpful. When you get an invite from someone you need to know who they are, but all facebook gives you is a name. Today, finally, someone sent me an invite with a note, so I actually know who the hell it is. Their invite will be accepted. There’s another ten or so that won’t be, as I don’t actually know who they are.
Hi Michele
Sympathise with your sentiments. Sick to the back teeth with invites from a plethora of ‘friends’ from an abundance of social networking services. I suspect, like you, I’ve ignored these until it hits a point where it’s impossible to ignore and you cave in.
I finally caved in to the facebook onslaught a few weeks back and, no doubt, after six months, everyone will, yet again, move to another social platform that’s going to be ‘huge’…
I’m totally cynical about social networking sites. None of them are fundamentally unique or for that matter offer anything much that’s unique either — with the following possible exceptions (which all serve a specific function and thus have a genuine value over and above their ‘social’ aspects)
1. Flickr
2. Viddler
3. Last FM
I can see some of these sites lasting longer than the normal 6 months or so, but a lot of them will come crashing down. Last.fm, for example, is a brilliant concept that could actually make money. Facebook is just going to get itself banned everywhere, as it’s just a waste of time. Like so many of the other sites it doesn’t really bring anything new to the mix.