Can anyone recommend an online supplier of kitchen furniture in Ireland?
I’ve got a perfectly good kitchen table, but no chairs and most places seem to insist on selling tables with chairs
Nah. Cleaned out the old man’s place, but he only had a tiny kitchen. How about a set of golf clubs? Four Siemens business phones and a PABX? Big HORSE of a desk? 🙂
Try asking at
I would agree with Tom about kitchen’s being margin rich, but why wouldn’t they be, sheets of particle board with a veneer slapped on don’t strike me as expensive to manufacture.
I do know people who will travel to northern ireland to buy their kitchen as they are meant to be a lot cheaper.
I just happen to have a nine year old washing machine going cheap! 😉
No chairs???
Nah. Cleaned out the old man’s place, but he only had a tiny kitchen. How about a set of golf clubs? Four Siemens business phones and a PABX? Big HORSE of a desk? 🙂
I think I’ll have to setup a new site.. Something like
How about *koff*
Fitted kitchens are very margin rich I think, I have dealt with two company’s both times I go them down on their quote by over 40%
Try asking at
I would agree with Tom about kitchen’s being margin rich, but why wouldn’t they be, sheets of particle board with a veneer slapped on don’t strike me as expensive to manufacture.
I do know people who will travel to northern ireland to buy their kitchen as they are meant to be a lot cheaper.
I’ve got a load of furniture websites on my shopping links directory:)
here are some others
not sure if they sell chairs separate?