One of the things that I love about the house is that it has ample space around it, including a fairly big back garden. Unfortunately nobody had done anything with the garden in years. The garden at the front of the house was kept reasonably tidy, but the area at the back of the house was completely wild. A few weeks ago a friend cut the grass for me, but by the time I came … [Read more...] about Taming the Garden, Adding More Touches and Taking a few Aerial Photos
Buying a new Dishwasher and a new Washing Machine
I'm not sure if I should be sad or happy. When you reach a stage in your life where you get excited about buying a dishwasher and a washing machine for your house you have to stand back for a minute and ask yourself whether this is a good thing or a really bad thing. Overall I think it's a good thing, but I am just a tad biased. Over the past few months I've invested … [Read more...] about Buying a new Dishwasher and a new Washing Machine
Getting Most of my Hot Water From Solar Energy Panels
As part of the heating upgrades I made to the house I added solar tubes to heat water. When they were installed the weather wasn't that great, so the amount of hot water they were able to heat was minimal, though they still gave me 20° - 30° C. As the weather has improved the solar panels' performance has improved dramatically. This morning I checked how much heat was being … [Read more...] about Getting Most of my Hot Water From Solar Energy Panels
Floor to Ceiling Bookcase Shelving Finally Installed
I'm currently "on the road" for a 3 week stint. While I enjoy travelling I'd prefer to be at home a bit more at the moment, as I really want to get stuff out of boxes. Over the last couple of months I've become much more interested in sorting out my house than I have in spending time living out of a suitcase! Up until about a week ago, however, I had nowhere to put anything … [Read more...] about Floor to Ceiling Bookcase Shelving Finally Installed
Handing Back the Keys to the old House and Moving on
After 13 years (give or take) I've finally said goodbye to the house that I used to called home. This afternoon I removed the last of my possessions and handed back the keys. While I'd moved into the new house over a week ago, it was only today that I finally got the last of my stuff out of the old house. Will I miss the old house? Probably in some ways as I was used to its … [Read more...] about Handing Back the Keys to the old House and Moving on