IEDR unlike Nominet does not have a democratic structure, nor does it have committees or other organisms to oversee rules, regulations and many other aspects of the registry’s development.
Who is even on the board of the IEDR?
Who chooses the board members?
While personally I think this should all be addressed I have to admit that some areas of the registry’s activities are cause for more concern than others.
While the rules and regulations have developed over time they are still sorely inadequate for the Ireland we now live in.
As things stand the IEDR is lumbered with a number of rules that while aimed at protecting the national domain name space are actually doing more to hinder its development.
A case in point is the personal name rule. While there are ways and means to circumvent this restriction the question begging to be asked is why the restriction exists in the first place.
The other one that springs to mind is that of “indecent” or “offensive” domains.
On the plus side IEDR management can smirk (or possibly gloat) at the chaos in Eurid.
And of course there is the problem of blatently speculative and abusive domain registrations in .ie which IEDR allows. It seems to think that it can hide behind its dispute resolution process. Now where have I heard that “we were only following orders” excuse before? The morons in EUrid are using the same thing to try and evade the mess they created.
The board of IEDR is just a bunch of Telecom Eireann and UCD cronies. There is no proper industry representation or input. The board should be terminated and a proper, more representative board should be appointed.
I just love the digiweb ad for hosting 🙂
BTW, there’s an opinion piece from the head of the IEDR in the Indo today and talking about the .eu debacle while touting why they in the IEDR are ever so super because of the way they handle domains. Can’t find it in the online version.
Damien – I’ll block that ….
I’ll have to see about getting a copy of the Indo.. though I really don’t like giving them my money during the week
I still contend that .ie domains are too expensive. Independant guys and those outside an established business could greatly benefit from a cheap .ie.
Damien: “I just love the digiweb ad for hosting”
Yeah, what’s the deal with that? Adsense let you block competition, right? Or are you just happy to take their money (I clicked the link for you!)? 🙂
Eoghan – we have always tried to pass on as much of the savings on IE domains as possible, unlike some vocal hypocrites 🙂
Regarding adsense – I’ve no problem with people clicking on their ads and me getting paid for it.
The Digiweb ads should have been removed now.. If anyone sees any please let me know