Some people’s efforts at SEO are simply annoying.
Spamming people after grabbing email addresses using some badly written bit of software is not the way to win friends online.
Unfortunately some people obviously missed that message:
I took a look at your site a couple of hours ago…
and I want to tell you that I’d really love to trade links with you. I think
your site has some really good stuff related to my site’s topic of car rental
and would be a great resource for my visitors as it deals with some great
aspects of car rental that I’d like to give my visitors more information about.
In fact, I went ahead and added your site to my Car Rentals i Resource Directory at
Is that OK with you?
Can I ask a favor? Will you give me a link back on your site? I’d really
appreciate you returning the favor.
Thanks and feel free to drop me an email if you’d like to chat more about
Best wishes,
P.S. When you do link back, there’s some suggested code to use at
(Links removed to stop them gaining from this post)
Would somebody please explain what the connection between car rentals and hosting is?
I can’t see it.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I am tempted to reply along the lines of:
“Dear Muppet
If you’d actually visited our site I would have to question your sanity.
I dream of a day when complete f**king morons like this are all locked into their own little ‘hinternet’ where they just spam/attack/annoy each other and leave the rest of us to our own devices.
Dream on 🙂