I never thought I’d see the day that I’d be looking into running OS X under linux or windows, but that’s the position I’ve found myself in.
Well, it’s very simple. A growing number of our clients use Macs whereas we all use either Windows or Linux. Although the more technically savvy of our clientele have no issue with the various Flash tutorials on our site a number of the Mac users seem to be encountering issues.
So I find myself looking for some way of emulating OS X on windows and linux clients.
I found a very intereting and helpful article on O’Reilly: Run Mac OS X on a PC which goes through setting up the Pear PC emulator.
The only problem now is that I’ll have to buy a copy of OS X if I want to test this π
John Butler says
Have you had much luck with this?
There are a few OSX86 torrents floating around too which claim to work but they’re very hardware specific.
There’s a HCL here http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/HCL_10.4.3
blacknight says
John – Are those torrents legal?
John Butler says
lol, no.
All I’m saying is i’d at least test it on the desired pc before dishing out the cash for the proper version of OSX, it’s a lot of money to spend on something that has limited, if any support when you’re not sure if it’ll even work.
blacknight says
Ed – They’re a bit too expensive for my pocket at the moment
John – Fair point…
Ed says
It could be an excuse to buy that new Mac you always wanted π
John Butler says
Ed – Ah sure maybe I’ll find a few grand in my jeans when I’m doing the washing:D
blacknight says
Ed – affording it is one thing.. justifying it is another π
Ed says
John, Michele : I never said you (or me for that matter) could afford one π but I bet there is not too many in IT who wouldn’t like one :p
Ed says
But it’s so pretty π