Pet Hates – Emails With No Subject

Maybe some people only get a couple of emails a day… I know I don’t.

If you don’t put a subject to your email I cannot know what it’s about without opening it.

This wastes my time and yours.

A meaningful subject line means that I can prioritise the email, find it later or simply pass it onto the correct person.

How hard can it be?


By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Having no subject is also used by spammers so I have configured my mail server to reject mail that doesn’t have a subject.
    If people are too lazy not to include a subject then i doubt if I would be missing anything important 🙂

  2. Robert
    Unfortunately I can’t delete those mails, as a lot of them are quite important 🙁

  3. I don’t know what’s worse, an email without a subject or an email with an useless or irrelevant subject.
    My personal favourite example of the latter is where a particular friend of mine continually sends me emails with a subject field of “from John”. I kid you not!
    Had he never noticed the Sender field? Very frustrating.

  4. In my old job (before I ran off and did my own thing), my boss was absolutely awful for this. I was there for four years in total, and in all that time she never fully understood how annoyed I got when she did it.
    Worst of all she’d call me up from her office now and again and roar ‘DID YOU GET THAT THING I SENT YOU – I WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY OFFICE ABOUT IT’…
    If someone refers to most things as ‘that thing’, the likelihood is they won’t differentiate from one email to the next, either!

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