New Year’s Resolution

I don’t “do” New Year’s resolutions really.

It’s far too easy to make resolutions and then simply drop them after a few weeks…

However there is one thing that I have been meaning to do and that is to actually launch sites based on some of the domains I own.

So with that in mind I threw up something really quick on over the Christmas break. I know it’s really ugly, but I will sort out the CSS etc., when I get a chance or bribe someone else to make it pretty.

I’ve several other projects that are in various states of development.. the main problem is finding the time to do something productive with them!

Of course as a domainaholic I’ve also been acquiring new domains and sites …

Earlier this evening I purchased, which is a quick and easy way to view the marketplace listings on Sitepoint. I might use the same script to do something with if I get a couple of hours…

While testing a few things on our main site I discovered that wasn’t registered, so I grabbed it (if you want to contribute reviews to either it or – let me know!)

Why so many IE domains? Well the simple answer is – why not? Besides, we‘re doing a special on them for the month of January, so it’s a really good time to grab a few!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. My only resolution this year is to spend three hours per week on website content for the various sites and blogs I have – which should also allow me to develop other sites too.
    When I get into the swing of things I’ll happily spend all day on a site, my downfall is when I do absolutely nothing and neglct them so three hours per week should be enough to keep things running, and easily achievable. It should also mean I get new content up on all sites on a monthly basis. One of my sites makes about $100 a year in adsense just now – and that is with just 13 entries and no update since last August – so there’s huge potential there with monthly updates.
    Best of luck with your endeavours, and may 2009 be a good one for us all.

  2. Hi Michele,
    Happy New Year…!
    ..and what-a-year for new years resolutions..!
    ..Putting all those dormant domains to good use.
    RE: sure is “ugly” .. but hey, give it a few weeks..track your stats and see if you can monitize it with maybe affiliate links for Ebay referrals, or amazon..
    I did something pretty similar with there in November and getting quite a good few visitors now.
    Nice blog here too. I Rated U ..5 Gold ! :o)
    Jamie Dunne

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