Irish Media Confuses Terminology Again

The Irish media must have been really bored this morning or just looking for a big headline. I guess its all an anticlimax now that Bertie Ahern is gone and thew new cabinet are in place.

According to RTE there was a “security breach”, while Morning Ireland used the term “hacker”.

What were they talking about?

Was a major ecommerce site hacked?

Did private and confidential information leak into the public domain?

No. All that happened is that Damien Mulley worked out where a file was on the Data Privacy Commissioner’s site before they announced it to the public.

Hardly newsworthy and hardly a “security breach”.

The report itself is a totally different matter, however.


By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I found it on this thing called the internet – apparently they have it on computers 🙂

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