Google PR updated

Google seems to have made some significant updates to page rank for a lot of sites in the last few days. SEO experts were expecting updates to the search index, but nothing seems to have changes as yet.
This site now has a PR of 4, which is quite respectable for a personal blog site.
The company site has now got a PR of 6 on the main page, which is nice, but not as impressive as the PR of the inner pages, which have risen to 5 in most cases. Considering that the site is relatively new and that all page names changed when we updated this is very good news.
Needless to say we are really waiting for the search index to update to see what is really happening.
At the moment Blacknight‘s search results are pretty bad, but this seems to be in part due to “duplicate content”.
Who knows what will happen after the next update….
Google Hacks

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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