I knew that upgrading Ubuntu had been far too easy.
There had to be a “gotcha” and of course there was.
EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management System) is no longer supported as part of the core Ubuntu distribution, but as a couple of my servers were running very old versions of Ubuntu apt did its job all too well and upgraded it for me.
End result – Siracusa, where several of my busier sites live, was very very unhappy and fell over a couple of times. Niall had a look at it for me and thought it was a hardware related issue, which was understandable. Udevd was eating CPU and the load post-reboot was over 10, which, for a relatively quiet machine, is a littled nuts!
A bit of searching this morning led to this post, where someone else had had a similar issue with a laptop. That led me to this page on the Ubuntu wiki. The package has been removed and that page outlines in detail the kind of issues that the software causes. And it fits more or less exactly with the errors in siracusa’s logs!
Running a simple:
apt-get remove evms
seems to have resolved the issue – I hope!
I also cleaned up the configurations following Niall’s tip:
dpkg –purge `dpkg –get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f1`