DomainFest Booked … Hotel Booked .. What Have I forgotten?

As some readers of this blog know, I’m heading off to LA at the end of January for a holiday. I’ve timed my trip to coincide with Domain Fest 2007, so I’ll be able to combine a bit of work with pleasure.
I’m currently working my way through a mental checklist … as I’m sure I’ll forget something essential if I don’t
Let’s see…
Flight booked
Hotel booked
Domain Fest booked
Guidebook bought The Rough Guide to Los Angeles (Rough Guide Travel Guides)
I’m still trying to see if there is anything special going on in LA while I’m there, but so far, apart from David Copperfield, there doesn’t seem to be anything on that week!
No matter – I intend to have a good time

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Jasus, I’d love to be going to LA in January. Dead jealous so I am. (uch, where did that Dundalk accent come out of?)
    Can you bring an iPod/Laptop on the plane?
    Can I recommend Die Hard 2 and Volcano as movie choices? 🙂

  2. There are no problems with bringing ipods, laptops, psp’s etc. Flying out of the US is much easier than flying into it.
    Just don’t bring any liquids.
    If you’re going direct from DUB to LAX you’ll clear US customs and immigration in Dublin, which is always nicer than clearing it at the end of a 10 hour flight.
    For things to do I recommend
    Oh, and on the way back, eat and buy things before you go through security at LAX. There is *nothing* to do while waiting for boarding.

  3. Niall
    Thanks for the tip – I really should have asked one of you LA regulars 🙂
    I didn’t realise that they did all the customs on this side – great to hear that they do. How many hours in advance would I want to be in the airport?

  4. As far as I’m aware, only Canada and Ireland do US immigration, but only for direct flights.
    You need to
    1) check in
    2) get through security
    3) go through US immigration
    I’d go with at least 2 hours in advance, with as little as possible in hand luggage (I usually just bring an ipod, laptop, a book or two and a psp).
    I can’t emphasise enough just how bad LAX is – it’s a lifesize concrete sculpture of hell. Think CDG but even more depressing.

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