Disabling Push Email in Outlook on iOS

The mobile version of Outlook for iOS (iPhone, iPad) is very usable. In particular I like the way that when you’re creating a meeting or appointment that you can look up the location and pull in the full address.

However for some odd reason updates to the software seem to change the settings. While some people probably like the idea of getting “push” email on their phone I personally don’t. I get a LOT of email everyday so having it pushed to me would mean that my phone’s battery would be gone very quickly.

So how can you disable it?

It’s not that complicated, though in Apple / Microsoft’s parlance they view push email as if it was just a “notification”. Yes it is, but it’s also pulling down the actual emails, so the labelling is a little misleading.

The settings are located under the gear icon 

Once you are into the settings area scroll down to the notifications:

You can then simply disable the “notifications” and stop email being pushed to you for your various email accounts:

Your phone’s battery should last longer and you’ll be less distracted by the constant notifications about new emails!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. This makes sense but not the ultimate solution. The easy way to not be distracted by notifications is to use iOS Scheduled notification summary. This way notifications are sent in digests at set times. By disabling notifications outright, you are disabling the notification that would appear in the summary. There is no typical solution to disable PUSH and change it to fetch on a certain interval as you can in the Apple Mail app.

  2. Thanks for the advice. Very helpful. Mail has become laggy especially when using yahoo accounts, so outlook is a god send on iphone for me.

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