finally went live this evening (thanks to James Larkin for the design work)
The problem I am trying to find a solution to is the currency conversion.
At the moment it is using a static value, so I have to manually change it, which is not exactly practical.
Does anyone know of a service that allows you to get the value on a daily basis and write it to file? provide currency exchange rate updates via RSS.
Oooo! That’s nice. Now all I have to do is bribe a programmer to parse it for me 🙂
Hmm.. parsing… I presume you are using a Unix box, and are looking to automate… the actual execution of the parse itself is quite straightforward, and might look something like this:
awk ‘{if(index($0,”eur = usd”)) print substr($0,index($0,”(“)+1,length($0))}’ EUR.xml |awk ‘{print substr($0,1,index($0,” “)-2)}’ >usd.txt
1: “usd” in the “eur = usd” stands for US dollars, and can replaced by whatever other three letter indicator (such as gbp for UK pounds)
2: EUR.xml is the your local copy of the feed XML file
3: usd.txt is the output file, which will contain a single line, such as below
I’m not sure but it might work despite not being the exact currency at the moment.
I’ve integrated the currency converter at into a clients site before but it was very expensive.
wxfran – that’s the kind of thing I was looking for 🙂
Ken – I guess that’s how they make their money
Also the European Central Bank has an rss feed with the exchange rates.
Have the IEDR really gone lax on how they assign domain names? I thought discretionary names were given for non-profit purposes?
David – No. The discretionary names can be registered for any use as long as you follow the rules
I realy like the logos on all the Blacknight sites (armchair, search, browse, films)
Ambrand – those sites are mine – not the company’s 🙂