Apple’s 1984 Ridley Scott Advert

Steve Jobs
Image by Patrick Nouhailler via Flickr

I’m currently reading the Steve Jobs biography. I wanted the “dead tree” version, so I had to wait for it to arrive, so I’m probably a bit behind compared to other people.

I don’t remember the launch of the Macintosh, but I do remember the Apple stand at an exhibition in Cork around the same time. I have vague recollections of a video they were playing about IBM vs Apple, so it must have been roughly around the same period, though I could be completely wrong!

The imagery in the Ridley Scott directed advert from 1984 is very strong, though any version of the video I’ve found is pretty grainy.

Here it is:


By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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