Amazon Marketing Inserts – Teasing Me With Delights

I got another delivery from Amazon today. It came in its usual stiff cardboard which contained some advertising from their partner companies. As it was Amazon US the partner offers were a bit American biased, which is only to be expected, however one of them really got my eye: The Noble Collection.


If you are a film buff, or know one, then this is one of those sites you might want to take a look at.

Its focus is on the big production films such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Narnia, but some of the stuff they’re selling is truly impressive, though the pricing is too!

The only thing that I could afford without feeling guilty is one of these pens:
staff-pen-gandalf.jpgIt is nice, but wholly impractical!

Of course you could always go closer to home  orget yourself a nice little dragon to brighten up your mantelpiece:
They come in a nice presentation box and can be ordered online from the Edman Collection site.

Pity the US shop won’t ship to Ireland, but I guess I’ll live…

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


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