Adsense Changes?

Just noticed this morning that adsense is displaying adverts in a very different format:

So it looks like some kind of hybrid between the normal text ads and the link units

This was probably announced somewhere, but I haven’t had a chance to go digging and / or keeping up with all the changes in the “wonderful” world  of PPC

Anyone else noticing this?

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Stewart
    Which sizes are you seeing the “old” versions in?
    From my own limited tests it looks like the leaderboard ads have been swapped out, while the 468 x 60 ads are untouched

  2. I probably need to add the adsense code back in to 🙂
    So you’re seeing the old style ads on which suggests that either my IP range is getting the beta or maybe it’s an ipv6 only test (doubtful though )

  3. Cool – looks like they’re rolling out what they’ve learned from premium publishers. If you can implement this format, do. I’ve seen more than decent improvements in ctr and earnings with this format (no specifics cos I’m not allowed to). Hopefully they’ll move closer to full customisation for all publishers soon.

  4. Hugh
    It’s not something that you can choose to use or not – it simply happens (or doesn’t)
    Admittedly I may have setup / configured my Adsense account so that it will allow Google to “play” with the formats (can’t remember if there is even a setting on that or not), but I definitely didn’t make any changes to the Adsense configuration
    I’m not sure if they’re even reporting the earnings from these formats transparently or not

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