Image via CrunchBase
I’ve been trying out a number of different Twitter clients on the iPhone over the last few months.
I currently have three or four clients installed, but I keep coming back to Tweetdeck.
In many respects it’s because I like uniformity. I like being able to use the same software on my various desktops, laptops and mobile devices. That might seem a bit boring, but it helps me maintain some semblance of sanity!
The latest update to the Tweetdeck iPhone client introduces several new features and improves some existing ones. One of the ones that I really really like is the new “update in background” option. If you’re on a flaky mobile internet connection, like I am this weekend, waiting for your device to send an update can take several seconds, during which time your device is unresponsive. Pushing the update into the background means you don’t lose access to your device while the update is being sent.
Other features include access to “recent people”, “recent hashtags” and a bunch of other handy tweaks that they’ve somehow managed to squeeze into a handheld UI.
All in all the latest tweaks have made the user experience that little bit better and I honestly doubt if I’ll bother using any of the other Twitter apps on the iPhone in the future
Sounds nice, and when I had tweetdeck on my iPhone it had a very nice UI alright… but was prone to crashing. I heard reports from a few tweetdeck users that this is till the case. I’ll stick with Tweetie 2 🙂
I haven’t had any issues with it crashing, but then again this may depend on how long you leave it running for. I’d tend to open it. Check tweets and then close it again ie. I wouldn’t leave it running for more than a couple of minutes at a time