In the last 24 hours I’ve come across at least 5 new (and redundant) bits of technospeak jargon that do nothing to improve understanding, but everything to confuse people.
Why can’t people standardise terminology?
Why do people insist on using terms they don’t fully understand and probably get semi-wrong, thus confusing their interlocutor even further?
paul says
And here was me thinking that ‘semi-wrong’ wasn’t a word 😉
francis mahon says
At least five? Post a few examples s’il vous plait…
The only time I like to hear jargon is when I’m playing Buzzword Bingo, a great way to get through a boring conference!
Michele Neylon says
I’ll have to take notes the next time 🙂
I’ve a habit of forgetting silly terms
paul says
erm… what happened my other comment ?? I get the notices about new replies, but don’t see mine 🙁
anyway I was wondering was “semi-wrong” a word itself.
Michele Neylon says
My anti-spam filters were being a bit too strict, so I’ve changed their settings
hostyle says
A jingoistic plethora of railsesque cromulence reinvigorating the envelope of paradigm shiftiness ?