Yet Another Forum

Last weekend I must have been bored or simply crazy, as I bought several domains and complete websites.
The main acquisition was this discussion forum which took my fancy partially because it had a reasonably good domain name, a nice enough custom skin and vbseo preinstalled (saving me on license costs).
Moving it from the previous host to one of my servers didn’t take that much work, though I have come to hate cpanel backups with a passion! While they do a good job of maintaining the important files they also include a lot of junk that isn’t much use on a vanilla server (ie. one without any form of control panel). I’m a lot happier using scp, rsync and vim 🙂
I also finished getting the last of the important content off palermo. Niall was heading up to the data centres this afternoon, so he was good enough to move my “baby” into its new home in Interxion. It’s been reinstalled with the latest release of Ubuntu (I owe that man pints!) and is currently sitting there doing very little.. that will change!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Frank
    There are a couple of sites that list domains and sites for sale such as digitalpoint and sitepoint.
    I’ve also picked up stuff on WHT, though most of that is rubbish
    Are you going to Lisbon?

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