WYSIWYG Editors for OSX?

While I may be happy enough doing some quick editing of a php or html document in vim (or equivalent) I miss having access to software like Dreamweaver (the license was for a really old version). I don’t think I can justify paying Adobe’s prices for a new Dreamweaver license, so what are my options?
Ideally I’d like something which is similar to Dreamweaver, but a LOT cheaper?

Can anyone make any recommendations?

And please don’t say NVU!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Hm, I also use HyperEdit as a simple 2 pane editor but not entirely what you’re talking about. More friendly than vim though.

  2. 1. It’s by Panic. They make shockingly good software.
    2. text editor + file transfer + svn + css + terminal + books + more
    3. “Thanks to Apple’s WebKit, we’ll show your site exactly as it looks like in Safari, even as you type. Working on a file on a remote server? We’ll update the preview automatically the moment you hit “Save”.”
    4. “We’ve built in the The Web Programmer’s Desk Reference, a $60 value, from No Starch Press. We made it searchable, even tying the reference into the editor itself, so you can jump from code to documentation when you need to.”
    It’s beezer.

  3. But Coda is still a text editor behind it all, I think michele wants a proper wysiwyg editor, which other than dreamweaver I do not know of one.
    I think with the surge of proper standardised CSS and xhtml being used, has left little need for as many wysiwyg editors. Coding a table now is still a pain, I’d hate to do a table based design in a text editor. Layout is a breeze with CSS and semantic xhtml.
    I was looking for a good editor, switched my workflow to Coda for the trial period, but ultimately bought Textmate. More personal preference, Coda seemed gimmicky and textmate was lightweight but very powerful and worked really well with php, html, css and ruby. Again, it’s down to requirements and personal preference, but neither are WYSIWYG editors.

  4. John – you’re right. I’m looking for a cheap alternative to Dreamweaver (if such an animal exists!)
    While I could handcode basic formatting etc., I’m looking for a quick and easy way to edit stuff that I get sent by 3rd parties ie. quick and dirty hacks

  5. Ken
    I’ll have a look at that NVU fork and see does it do what I want, though I’ll probably also end up downloading copies of all the other packages people have mentioned 🙂

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