What are the current hot topics in technology and more specifically, the internet?
Web 2.0 was a hot topic. Is it still?
Social networking? That’s been around for quite some time, as has blogging, so they’re probably not that “hot” and newsworthy as they might have been 18 months ago.
What about micro-formats? All this talk of Jaiku (and how broken it’s become since the takeover) and that awful Twitter thing. Is it even worth talking about?
I have a pretty good idea what’s happening in the hosting / domain space, but there’s a lot more to the internet industry than what I, as one person, see.
I’m probably missing out on something. Then again, maybe I’m not !
Um… lolcats? 🙂
lolcats are probably more interesting than some of the stuff the tech press writes about 🙂
OpenID and APML are pretty cool areas! 🙂
“Computer people are the last to guess what’s coming next. I mean, come on, they’re so astonished by the fact that the year 1999 is going to be followed by the year 2000 that it’s costing us billions to prepare for it.” – Douglas Adams –
Its basically a standard for tracking a persons interests and what they “pay attention” to, like OPML does for your Feeds. Could be useful for the likes of amazon – if a user imports their APML file then Amazon can suggest products based on this as well as their “users who bought this also bought…”.
Chris – APML?
Rahood – brilliant quote ! 🙂
I got nuthin’
But then the tech press also got nuthin’ which is why they’re still pumping out their “things to watch for in 2008” lists.
I swear if I see one more newsletter with the words “social networking” in the subject I’ll scream.
@Chris – that sounds quite interesting. I’ll have to look into that 🙂
@Briongloid – Heh. So true. They’re all rehashing their lists and probably will do for the next few weeks. Hopefully I’ll never send a newsletter mentioning “social networking” in the subject line, unless it’s something like “social networking is over hyped” 🙂
Actually, social networking seems to have taken a back seat as of yesterday. The new “hot” topic now seems to be “Waaah! My page rank dropped!”