I register a lot of domains for different purposes. Sometimes it’s simply a case of checking if something works or not..
In the process I’ve ended up with some really odd domains.. so I was wondering, What’s the weirdest or strangest domain you own?
Intriguing 🙂
Damien – I won’t ask
Jason – I simply have to ask.. Why?
Ah it was a joke site .. long story! relates to webmasterradio.fm
Listen to this http://www.ratemygoat.com/goat.mp3 it kinda explains the story.
The project I am currently working has an odd one; http://feedhenry.com/
Henry being the Irish Hurling star and feed as in RSS/Atom.
I could explain why I own these domains, but then I’d have to kill you 🙂
Here’s one that I almost regsitered and then thought ‘whats the point!’
I was flying to the UK and mis pronounced “booked my flights” into “fooked my blights”.
I don’t think any of the majour airlines marketing depts would use it especially with the conincidental famine reference :O)
baconfries.com – have it for years, don’t really know what to do with it!
Damien – I’m sure you could find a use for it.. though I’ve no idea what 🙂
breedar.com – i’m going to produce a gaydar for straight people (“breeders”).
Pete – are you going to do anything with them or are they just going to sit there? 🙂
No idea yet
ipget.net – only weird ’cause I was surprised it wasn’t gone yet.