Upgrading phishing list – the easy way

Julian posted a nice and easy way of upgrading your phishing list configuration (phishing.safe.sites.conf) without losing any of your custom changes:

In your MailScanner directory, which on an rpm-based machine is probably /etc/MailScanner, run the following command:
cat phishing.safe.sites.conf phishing.safe.sites.conf.rpmnew | sort |uniq > phishing.safe.sites.new
You can now copy the new file phishing.safe.sites.new over your customised phishing.safe.sites.conf:
cp phishing.safe.sites.new phishing.safe.sites.conf
NB: You don’t need to do this if you haven’t made custom additions to your phishing.safe.sites.conf
If you are paranoid, take a backup of the file first, so you can check the differences using diff

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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