I’ve read all the comments posted about my choice of theme and I’ve been left in a bit of a quandry.
It’s obvious that the theme I chose wasn’t really “working” for a lot of readers and I wasn’t overly happy with some of the features either, so I’ve decided to revert to the previous theme that I was using.
I want a new theme for this blog, so I’ll probably have to get someone to design it for me taking into account my requirements and some of the very good feedback I got from regulars.
This theme seems a lot easier on the eyes.
I’ll agree with Jason, its a lot easier on the eyes alright! I had the same issue with my own before arriving at the theme I have now, went totally different colour for a few days, blacks and oranges, got more complaints than i anticipated so put some time into developing a new one.
Brought about my whole ‘blogging for the user’ as opposed to blogging for yourself notion…
Ken – I know this theme is easier on the eyes, but I’m still not very happy with it. Your theme is very slick and easy on the eyes (I don’t like some of its elements, but that’s just me)
If the readers of this blog have problems reading my content then they’ll go elsewhere.
That was the point I debated myself. Do you want to keep your readers, or do you want to run your blog – your way?
Some elements of my own theme I think I’m not overly mad on. I know you’re not keen on the captcha (which I’ll get back to), but always keen on hearing other people’s thoughts 🙂
It’s a very interesting argument / debate
I think you have to find a happy medium between the two, but where that lies is another matter.
For example, while I do not like your particular implementation of captcha Justin Mason’s doesn’t bother me in the least.
Other people are quite vehement about captcha and think it’s terrible etc., (see http://www.tomrafteryit.net/captchas-are-lame/ for example)
Yes, you have to make your blog user friendly as you would any other website but you shouldn’t forget that it is YOUR website and your space, so while you can make concessions you shouldn’t forget that ultimately it’s your call.
Thats what makes it ‘your’ website at the end of the day.
Funny mention about finding a ‘happy medium’, actually the name of my own band.. but thats another side.
Genuinely going to look into the whole captcha thing, on usability terms i know there’s massive cases of for and against on either side of the fence… nice to see Tom’s input on it all! Whatever about the accessibility of them, I’m not sure on the ‘lack of respect’ mark.