The Furniture Quest …

Can anyone recommend an online supplier of kitchen furniture in Ireland?
I’ve got a perfectly good kitchen table, but no chairs and most places seem to insist on selling tables with chairs

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Nah. Cleaned out the old man’s place, but he only had a tiny kitchen. How about a set of golf clubs? Four Siemens business phones and a PABX? Big HORSE of a desk? 🙂

  2. Try asking at
    I would agree with Tom about kitchen’s being margin rich, but why wouldn’t they be, sheets of particle board with a veneer slapped on don’t strike me as expensive to manufacture.
    I do know people who will travel to northern ireland to buy their kitchen as they are meant to be a lot cheaper.

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