Sure, it would be great if it was, but if it was easy then everyone would do it!
However it is nice to see that a few people have started posting jobs on the site.
There are currently 9 jobs listed, which is a very small number admittedly, but it’s a start.
Checking the website’s statistics isn’t overly encouraging, but “Rome wasn’t built in a day”…
It is getting some search engine traffic, but not a huge amount.
So it’s a bit of a catch 22 – no traffic means no job posts, which in turn means no content, which means no search engine results and no traffic ….
A way to break the vicious circle could be to bring some paid traffic to the site.
You’re adopting the right strategy at the right time I reckon. With an impending recession/depression, recruiters are going to be looking to cut their advertising budgets.
One of my own sites (currently undergoing a complete redevelopment) is a free property advertising site and we’ve noticed a significant increase in sign-ups in the last few months. I’m imagining this is for the same reason, that we’re free to advertisers on, generating revenue through unobtrusive advertising. It’ll be interesting to see if sites such as MyHome and IrishJobs manage to survive considering their model has always been to throw vast sums of money at marketing while charging their advertisers a fortune. In a recession, I don’t think this is going to be sustainable when smaller, cheaper ‘indie’ sites are offering a slightly scaled down service at no cost. What history never told us is that when David slayed Golliath, it was in the middle of a recession!
Yes – but as the site doesn’t sell anything I wouldn’t be able to justify the expense
Thanks for the positive feedback 🙂
I’ve had that domain for ages, but my first attempt to do anything with it was a dismal failure. This time round maybe the recession will help!
Why not contact the recruitment agencies and ask them to be included on their mailing lists or ask them to add them to whatever batch program they use to submit to other recruitment sites?
I really don’t want any more email!
If the recruitment agencies want to add the site to their automated stuff so be it, but it would be nice if the site was used more by businesses themselves …
Went through all the job offers on the site. Got to say, like the idea of the site, hate the offers. Every single last one of them. Not because they’re bad jobs or dull or boring, but because each and every one of them has the same boneheaded mistake: A job ad without salary information is like a CV without a name on it. Seriously. When will employers quit wasting time by not putting basic information like that into the offers? It’s teeth-grindingly, hair-pullingly irritating to put lots of time into polishing CVs when HR people won’t stop making that same basic mistake time and again.
If employers provided a salary range would that help?
Depends on how well specified the range is I would say Michele. If it’s within a few percent, yes. If it’s tens of percent, no. You don’t offer a salary range that will encompass both senior and junior posts if you know what you’re looking for, and if you don’t know that, then I don’t think I’d want that job.
(And I haven’t even mentioned the time-wasters who know going into the interview what the salary offered is, what your expectations are, and who go through the whole process only for HR to make a third, far lower offer in the hope that you’re desperate for work. I’ve had that happen, and it’s been a struggle to remain civil when you realise that’s what’s happening).
So my question is:
How do you hope to make some money out of this?
Or have you been overcome with a sense of altruistic responsibility to the recruitment industry? 😉
The ads on the site would hopefully bring in some revenue.
The site is aimed more at employers than recruiters, but recruiters are welcome to use it