Slick Marketing Is Not A Replacement For Bad Service

I don’t care how much money a company spends on marketing. If their service is rubbish it will not help.

It’s amusing that Hugh is complaining about An Post, as they obviously spent several Euro on their direct marketing to me today. I got a rather oversized envelope with brochure etc., telling me about their “wonderful” services.
What services?
The postman in Carlow seems to have serious issues with delivering our mail before 1pm, and when he does he seems to ignore the fact that we are not affiliated with the company downstairs.
Another company who seem to be spending loads of money on marketing instead of improving their service are of course IBB (Irish Broadband). I actually got an email from a confused client of theirs today who wanted us to send out an engineer!!

Categorised as Business

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Yeah, those really slick chess piece ads on the irish broadband test website didn’t fool me either 🙂 🙂

  2. COMREG should shut these people down. How they can get away with it is typical of ireland. The connection in Carlow is down every other night, you can never get through to teh support without getting brain tumours or my battery dieing, and they try to fob you off with a “yes their was a problem but it has now been resolved” reply every time. The last one I got from them was quite agressive in tone, yes I was pissed off, and told them so, but wouldnt you be when they take money from you and your connection is only up at best 1/2 the time, and you cant contact anyone worthwhile in the company?

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