Site stats with Google maps

An interesting use for Google maps is mapstats from the developers of blog flux
It’s pretty cool, so I’ve added it to my sidebar.
If you can’t be bothered looking for it there here’s a direct link
EDIT: As I only added the stats code to this blog a few minutes ago the cities list is a bit short plus I’ve also spotted some “interesting” php errors on their site. I still maintain it’s a cool use for Google maps though 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. AhmedF – the error is no longer showing, but it was giving a load of errors about division by zero, which would suggest that it doesn’t like displaying the daily breakdown when there are no stats in the array
    Cyberscribe – I’d love to do something like that but I’m not much of a programmer (ie. I can’t programme at all)

  2. Hi, Michele!
    I’m here from Japan as the result of searching for “statistics googlemaps mapstats”.
    I’m surprised as seeing the following message just below the entry.
    “You came here from searching for statistics googlemaps mapstats. These posts might be of interest:”
    How can you achieve that ? Is plug-in for wordpress available to do it ?

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