SalesOnline – Breaking Usability

Whoever is behind the new “design” for should be taken out and horsewhipped, flogged and then shot.
If I wanted to download a boring video I’m big enough and ugly enough to know how to do it myself. Forcing me to download the damned thing when I go to a website is just plain dumb.
How do these people expect anyone to buy anything from them?
For an online marketing company they really should take a close look at home….

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Robin
    I’ve heard some interesting comments about that one as well, though I have no reason to go near their site

  2. Apart from the video download, I think they spend too much time talking about themselves rather than explaining wht they can do for customers.
    And for a company that specialises in online advertising they do not show up on a google search for
    “online advertising ireland”
    Not even on ad-sense!

  3. Holy god
    I especially like the use of onMouseOver and onMouseOut for changing the background color on links!
    For some strange reason they chose to use only ‘Business’ as the anchor for ‘Business & Finance’ link on the Websites & Audience page – try clicking on the ‘& Finance’ portion of the link.
    Couldn’t see anything about ad-serving s/w?

  4. I think the site is fine…Black night solutions are a joke of a company anayway so how can you even slag somebody site when Black night are a crap overpriced hosting company.
    Get a life and go and do some work! Have you nothing better to do.
    Isnt it funny how every other hosting company out there is kicking your ass!! Might be because you spend most of your time searching through the web.
    John Maher – Media Buyer

  5. Your comments sound like the words of an irate SlesOline sales rep or maybe an ego poping developer (However I could be wrong). People are talking about your website not your company as a whole, so why the school yard backlash? Part of developing a new site like that it to take all the comments in and reflect on them .. Passing out insulting comments about a company you probably hardly even know wont get you anywhere.

  6. As a front end monkey the salesonline website makes me want to weep out loudly, and not hold it as I normally do when mother is whipping me with the birch.
    Maher, you are probably one of those old school people who still think FrontPage is the best tool out there for making websites.
    I think Michele can slag salesonline, because a) blacknight’s site looks good and b) there is no video download
    As for the quip of his ass being kicked by every other hosting company out there – atleast back yourself up with proof – show me the occular proof.
    And its by searching the web that Michele comes across such hilarious websites and also that it happens to unearth little trolls like you

  7. I like the ” • Target by connection speed.” option on their ad-serving page. Doesn’t seem to work too well. The video on the main page does show up on dialup.

  8. Hmmmm…. Not sure what’s wrong wiff yer man John Maher? If that is his real name… Is it John?
    I personally think, for a company such as Sales Online, that they could do a lot better. I can find plenty of reasons why this is a poorly designed website. But I don’t really want to go there.
    There is one item though that I have to mention, it\’s annoying me that much… 🙂
    One of my pet hates and something that has always annoyed me over my years working with web designers, is the misuse of GIFs and JPGs.
    You can excuse an ordinary Joe Soap for saving a photo as a GIF, but for a web designer to save an Image with no more than 200 colours to save it as a JPG is a sin.
    How can a decent web designer not notice the degradation of their LOGO is beyond me. Could the designer really not have checked to see what it would look like as a GIF?
    I suppose though, if a designer had to check which format it would be better to save their logo in for their website, should they really be in web design at all?
    Petty I know… but it really annoys me!

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