Today thousands of Irish teenagers will be collecting / checking their Leaving Cert results (Ireland’s answer to A Levels / Bac / SAT).
Based on the media hype surrounding it you could be easily conned into thinking that the world actually cares.
Reality – they don’t.
The Leaving Cert is a bit of paper. You can use the points / score to get a place in a university.
That is all.
In a couple of years time you won’t care about it.
The rest of us haven’t cared in years. Some of us never cared to begin with.
Putting your LC results on your CV when you’re 17 or 18 is fine. Putting them on it when you’re in your late 20s with a college degree is pointless. Providing details of ALL your grades is just plain wrong.
Yes, indeed. Who cares about the Leaving Cert results now?
TBH, I don’t care about nor my Leaving Cert results (rather poor) nor my Masters exam high marks.
I guess it is the same all over the world, especially here in Poland there are things much more important than that piece of paper and even university degree (MA for example).
They do matter actually – and it’s unfortunate that they do. They determine at an early age who goes into Law, Medicine and all the other well-paid careers. Even the subjects you take determine to a large degree where you will end up. Doing Physics instead of Technology or French sets the stall. But this is far too young an age for such life-changing choices. The system is wrong.