I’ve never been overly impressed by online marketers who “guaranteed” results or “promised” “top ranking”.
While I was sifting through the splogs, “under contructions” and other junk that gets submitted to search.ie this morning I came across yet another submission from an Irish SEO company.
Like so many of their previous submissions this one was full of keyword loading, marketing speak and so on.
What really annoyed me was that when I clicked through to review the site manually – as I do with all the other submissions (except the splogs !) all I found was a holding page with meaningless meta content.
A couple of things about this annoy me:
- Their “professionals”, so why are they wasting my time with this?
- The holding page has zero content of relevance to the business that will eventually occupy it, so getting it spidered now will damage its ranking
- Their clients pay for this “service”
- Their “service” is not cheap
- Their clients are probably blissfully unaware of how much damage this junk is doing
- Other human edited directory editors will probably be as annoyed by this kind of submission as I am and start rejecting all of their submissions
The last point is probably the most important in many respects.
Most human edited directories rely on a small number of volunteers to sift through all the submissions. Editors get tired of dealing with the same junk from the same people over and over again. Ultimately the only real loser are the seo agencies’ clients
Too much of a tease…Go on – give us the link 🙂
If not publish then how about a PM?
Let’s just say that they are well known
Just re-reading this and noticed:
Just to say there are some who believe that placing some content live on a NEW domain and getting that domain spidered early will lead to the Sandbox early. If the site/page has a very low competition theme (perhaps hence content unrelated to the company) then *MAYBE* it will escape the Sandbox sooner. That’s a theory that is bandied about. Of course very few understand the inner workings of the sandbox.
Not saying I agree or disagree with this theory, but just to mention there may be some method to the madness.
Sorry – doesn’t make it any nicer for you having to moderate all the submissions 🙁
Interesting theory, though it doesn’t excuse submitting useless junk for me to moderate