It’s nice to see local government making practical use of technology. Cllr Damien Blake is recommending that people check the Donegal electoral register directly online.
Are they the only local authority to have put the register online? Seemingly not, but it’s not the sort of thing that seems to be publicised.. I usually get these really annoying letters through my letterbox expecting me to jump through hoops instead of offering me a simple solution ..
EDIT: Just checked the entry for me and submitted an update request as they had spelt my first name incorrectly. Only question now is – will I ever get an acknowledgement of the update ?….
I get what you’re saying about the local authorities not pushing the online registration thing- I only found it when I stumbled on it by mistake.
Projects like this are usually handled by the Local Government Computer Services Board (, so the system is most likely available to other Local Authorities as well. I’m being vague in my language as I’ve only stumbled upon it this evening, so can’t so for sure.
Donegal Co Co, to their credit, have been fairly proactive in using the net. This is particular true with respect to the ePlanning system. Systems like this should be publicised more; I used to offer a similar system on my website, but it involved me running through a database after receving queries by email so was cheating really. It proved popular though.
It’s a pity that they don’t make it known alright. After reading your post (and while editing mine) I had a look at several local authority sites and found that some had it prominently linked from their homepage, whereas with others I really had to go digging to find it (working on the basis that it was actually there to find)
I had a look at the Local Government Computer Services Board website :
They have a products page that lists systems they have developed and in which counties they are operating.
I could not find any mention of eReg on my galway council site
So I have emailed galway coco contact for electoral register and also a contact address for lgcsb to find out what counties this system is available to.
The electoral register for the Dublin City Council area is online @
We don’t really publicise it much but it’s there.