I’m now using php5 (apt forced me to).
It seems that my choice of template was causing issues, so I’ve moved to a new template until I can work this out.
Pretty much π
Dependency hell !
It basically remove php4-mysql, but when I tried to put it back its dependencies would have removed dovecot and a few other things, so I ended up taking the plunge with php5 again…
It’s my own fault for running bleeding edge Ubuntu π
I know I could bludgeon it into installing certain packages without removing others, but it forced me into trying to find a solution for the stupid issue with wordpress. As it transpires it was either the template or some plugin code within it that was causing the issue.. Of course I haven’t had a chance to see if the upgrade broke any of my other sites…
This bloody template is on at least three of the feeds in my reader now. Lose it or face deletion Michele. π
Its not all that difficult to be honest. The basic stylesheet (if you look at it in the theme editor options in the wordpress admin area) is fully commented so you can judge fairly well what areas you’re actually playing with.
After that, its up to yourself really as to how much you want to customise it. If you want to edit the header (for a picture) you upload a new picture, find the #header area in the stylesheet and update the address…
Everything is pretty clearly labeled so it shouldn’t be TOO hard to get done!
My own blog runs K2… http://www.kenmc.com
my NFL blog runs K2… http://www.nflview.com
and its possible that comment spam would kick in with more than 2 links, so if you substitute the “www” in front of kenmc.com with “photo” you’ll get another one, though the two (photo and nflview) are similar in nature.
they’re just examples of my own ones but there’s some excellent variations floating around the web
Apt did? As in the package-management system?!
Pretty much π
Dependency hell !
It basically remove php4-mysql, but when I tried to put it back its dependencies would have removed dovecot and a few other things, so I ended up taking the plunge with php5 again…
It’s my own fault for running bleeding edge Ubuntu π
On your webserver? Eek. You may be able to force the issue, though. (Can’t imagine why it thinks dovecot needs removing)
I know I could bludgeon it into installing certain packages without removing others, but it forced me into trying to find a solution for the stupid issue with wordpress. As it transpires it was either the template or some plugin code within it that was causing the issue.. Of course I haven’t had a chance to see if the upgrade broke any of my other sites…
This bloody template is on at least three of the feeds in my reader now. Lose it or face deletion Michele. π
Adam – I’ll be changing it probably this weekend π
My main concern was getting the damned blog to display
I think I’ll be sticking to PHP4 for a while yet. Years, probably. apt-upgrades always frighten me a bit.
The new theme is fun… K2 is great to play with, i’ve got it running now across three blogs now…
Ken – how hard is it to customise?
Its not all that difficult to be honest. The basic stylesheet (if you look at it in the theme editor options in the wordpress admin area) is fully commented so you can judge fairly well what areas you’re actually playing with.
After that, its up to yourself really as to how much you want to customise it. If you want to edit the header (for a picture) you upload a new picture, find the #header area in the stylesheet and update the address…
Everything is pretty clearly labeled so it shouldn’t be TOO hard to get done!
Any examples of customised ones?
My own blog runs K2… http://www.kenmc.com
my NFL blog runs K2… http://www.nflview.com
and its possible that comment spam would kick in with more than 2 links, so if you substitute the “www” in front of kenmc.com with “photo” you’ll get another one, though the two (photo and nflview) are similar in nature.
they’re just examples of my own ones but there’s some excellent variations floating around the web