Since I post to more than one blog it may appear at times that my activity here is pretty low key.
Over on I’ve posted a couple of reviews of films I’ve seen recently including:
Incredible Hulk
While over on my domain news blog I’ve posted a few short posts about updates and some more in depth ones like the one the IEDR annual report
The company blog hasn’t been that active recently, but I am trying to post to it a couple of times a week. We’ve been rather busy with the new rollout chez Blacknight, so my energies have been focussed elsewhere (fixing websites to read in English without boring people to death takes time!)
I’ve also got a few more project ideas in the pipelines, though whether I’ll get the time to do anything about them is a totally different matter. (Pipelines is anywhere between vague idea and fully functional website and covers everything in between)
Your excuses are your own, a visit to your blog is part of my daily criteria. 🙂 so work harder for your readers 😛 😛